This script is queried via AJAX when the user starts typing into the search box.
The initial setup code is identical to that in index.php.
namespace FACTFinderDemo;
define('DEMO_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
define('LIB_DIR', dirname(DEMO_DIR).DS.'lib');
define('USERDATA_DIR', DEMO_DIR.DS.'userdata');
require_once LIB_DIR.DS.'FACTFinder'.DS.'Loader.php';
use FACTFinder\Loader as FF;
$dic = FF::getInstance('Util\Pimple');
Load the initialization script. This is common to all
entry-point scripts. We extract this into a separate script in ./userdata
because it is basically a programmatic configuration of the library
require_once USERDATA_DIR.DS.'initialization.php';
We only need on Suggest adapter here.
$suggestAdapter = FF::getInstance(
Note that we don’t need to configure the adapter any further. The Request
object it gets is pre-populated with all parameters passed to this script.
We rely on the fact that those parameters contain all necessary
If possible we simply pass through the raw data obtained from FACT-Finder without any further processing. This is because FACT-Finder generates JSONP output which will be processed by the frontend instead of the library.
try {
echo $suggestAdapter->getRawSuggestions();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
/* close connection to browser if that is possible */
header("Content-Length: 0");
header("Connection: close");
/* if you want, you can log errors here. this will not cause the user to wait for the request * /
$logfile = "suggest.error.log";
$f = fopen($logfile, 'a');
fwrite($f, date(DATE_RFC822).': error ['.$e->getMessage().'] for search request ['.$dataProvider->getAuthenticationUrl()."]\n");
/* */